Monday, June 1, 2009

McGuyver Like Tendencies

This morning I had just finished my workout and was about to throw a few little items in a bag before showering and getting ready for the hours upon hours of flight ahead of me today. I reached out to my bedside table, grabbed my calendar and saw that my ATM card was lying under a book, where I could barely see it. "Oh, dear," I said to myself, "It would have sucked to forget that!" and as I reached down the damned ATM card jumped from its bedside perch and landed itself in a teeny tiny slit of the bookshelf. Lodged in between two pieces of wood, it refused to come out and refused even harder to be pulled from its tight jam. As I stuck bobby pins and tweezers down, it ran further into its new hole and became increasingly belligerent (okay, maybe I was the one becoming belligerent).

Thinking McGuyver must be somewhere in my family tree, I even tried to stick a piece of sticky-tack onto the end of a paper clip, wondering if it would blow up instead of just retrieve my ATM card.

When all was said and done, it took Evelien and me unloading the entire bookshelf, turning it upside down and showing gravity a lesson or two as we coerced the ATM card out of hiding by prying the wood of the bookshelf back with a screwdriver.

If this is any hint or warning as my day of traveling approaches, I am worried. Please pray for me.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

AHHAH! That totally sucks, but it makes for a great story. What fun would travel be without hiccups like that?