Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh THAT Phrase!

So I went on a date yesterday. I know half of you are saying, "What? Who are you and what have you done with Darcie?" and the other half of you are saying, "It is about friggin' time." I don't care which side you fall on. It happened, that isn't what I am writing about.
Today I found out that the person I went on a date with didn't really think we were a good fit. Again, fine. I can't say if he is right or not, I don't feel like we know each other that well to make a statement, but still not what I am writing about. Just a little background to get to my vent.
A couple of close friends knew about this date and the circumstances around it and what I was thinking. In order to keep them in the loop I sent them each an email explaining that it wasn't going to work out. Then that dreaded phrase, "Don't worry. It will happen for you."
IT? What it? Like there is something missing in my life that means I should be sitting back waiting for a relationship. I love what I am doing with my life. I really, really do. I don't feel like I am missing anything. I don't feel like I am looking for someone to fulfill some deep hole in my chest. I am full. I am happy. I am doing what I love. So why the IT?
So, I have a request. I would really like everyone to stop looking at other people like they are missing half their face if they aren't married. That would be great.
[please read this blog like a sarcastic, comedic statement. I am not bitter. I just get a little tired of IT]
Also, I am sorry this is the first blog back from Ireland. I will catch you up on what is going down. Promise. Just had a lot on my mind this last week :)

1 comment:

YWAM Africa said...

A wee comment from a long-married ;-) IT is a fantasy, a fallacy ... there's no relationship that can make me whole if I'm not already. And what you have now - the sense of fulfilment and being in the moment - that is something to guard and cherish. Many women give that up in order to feel more whole by having a man in their lives. A few rare souls manage to enjoy both ... more than likely because they didn't fall into the trap of thinking that one necessarily leads to the other.
I'm with you, girl. Love life!!
M. x