Friday, February 20, 2009


I have been sitting here trying to decide what to write on this little blog-o'-mine and fear I have bloggers-block, that pesky little irritation of increativity and un-inspiredness (look, I am even making up words.) I contemplated writing a brief synopsis of what I have been doing here in Africa, but realized loyal readers of the blog already know that or are actually part of it. I pondered ranting about something that disturbs me, but found I had no energy for such a thing. I thought through the list I have made of possible topics and didn't connect with a single one that would be worthy of this time. I haven't written anything for class that is postable, or journaled anything amazing this week that I feel like sharing with the world. So here I am . . . blocked up like a road closure on the local highway. So here are some random thoughts that probably wouldn't be included in anything else.

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This week went entirely too quickly. I feel like I went to bed on a Saturday and woke up on the following Saturday with no week in between. Why does this happen to us? It makes me feel like I am very out of control and trying to grab hold of anything is futile and I shouldn't try so hard. In the picture on the right, the bubble over the chicks head says, "Jimmy, Answer me! Please!" Am I the egg or the chick?

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I have officially settled what the schedule of my life may look like for the next few months: Here until end March (with a short trip to Zimbabwe next weekend that I feel utterly unprepared for), Uganda and various other African nations until end May, Ireland for the first half of June and home on June 17th. Apres? Je ne sais pas . . .

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I really love my family. They sent me a package of sweets and said that they "didn't want to send anything I would have to pack back, so everything is 'disposable' " meaning edible! Plus, they sent a giant card that speaks to me when I open it. It is great. I also really love my friends. I have gotten letters and emails and wall posts from so many people and feel so much love and support. THANK YOU! I can't tell you how much these things mean to me. To feel connected to the people I love and miss is one of the biggest blessings. You guys are rock stars. :)

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