Monday, April 27, 2009

All These Lonely Hearts

I have the extreme blessing of knowing some of the most amazing people on earth - and I don't say that lightly. I am amazed at the caliber of friends I have. Their passion, strength, vision, love and dedication amaze me. I so often feel like I don't deserve them, or the time they spend on me.

One of the bittersweet sides of this coin is the deep aching feeling I have when I am away from them. It is sometimes truly painful to want to dive deep into conversation with someone you have known for years, and be unable to do it. I feel, some days, like we go about creating a giant basket that waits for the day it will be filled when we spend time together again. The aching increases with the size of the basket, but so does the promise of filling the emptiness with good memories and conversations.

I cherish the new, growing friendships I have today, and in this place, but there are parts of my heart only few have been able/willing to navigate with me. There have been many things I have figured out only with the help of the men and women placed in my life divinely. These are the things I miss some days: The easy conversations and the un-awkward silences, the correct assumptions and wounds healed - points on the map of my life where I didn't stand alone, but hand in hand with someone unafraid of the path ahead.

Challenges come. Life can be painful and, yet, still full of blessing. In the entire scope of feelings and aching I hope I will always have the deep, honest, challenging, dedicated, sacrificial, friendships that make up the scenery of my story.

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