Friday, April 3, 2009

Who are you?

God, Who are you?

I find myself asking this question again and again. Though I know some of the answer, it still beckons me. Who is this God I serve? Who is this God I serve in sadness? In patience? In trauma? In confusion? In joy? Who is He?

“If thou hadst known . . .” Luke 19:42

What is it of God that I wish to know the most? The essence of him who I rely on; the depth of He who all things are upheld in; the purity of One without shadow . . . Without Shadow.


Who are you, God?

I started reading the Message Bible this week. I started with the passage that most defines my time in South Africa, Psalm 119. About three months ago I sat awestruck at the depth and significance of this passage. I saw things I had never seen before in the words and the longing it contains. Verse after verse revealed significance in the commands God has lain before us. Not laws and regulations that inspire rebellion, but deep truth on how to best live this life, stay healthy, be able to feed families and make decisions for a community. I saw that the very cry of our hearts, the longing we have and the written principles of God are intertwined. When we cry out for the poor, we are crying out for the principles of God to be made manifest in a life. When we weep over preventable disease we are weeping for the truth of health to be made known to an individual created by God. Intercession and precept go hand in hand, for in areas where intercession is abundantly needed, precepts are in lack.


1 comment:

T.S. Son said...

I like this very much.