Saturday, May 30, 2009


I can't get over how beautiful it is to know God . . .
I have been asking him a lot of questions lately and he keeps pointing me back and saying Trust. Those who trust in me are like Mount Zion, they will not be shaken. I sometimes get frusturated that he doesn't answer my question, but then I look at the beauty he has placed all around us and realize I have my answers. I have this amazing God that does not give up on me. I have a love that no other love will ever rival. "I have tasted of a love so wide that it stops all my time. I have tasted of a love so deep that it blows my mind." Thank you Shawn McDonald. It is so true. I need nothing. I need fear nothing. I need worry over no thing. For the Lord watches out for me, protects me, and is there as the lover of my soul always and forever. He is sweet. All I keep looking for is the different facets of his personality that purify my vision and draw me in again. May my eyes roam to nothing less glorious than that which God wants me to see . . .

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