Wednesday, May 13, 2009


There is a little patio behind our fav bakery/cappuccino orgainic shop that is full of inspiration. Everytime we sit there the world is at our fingertips and issues of the day are solved. We came up with our plan for field assignment there. We sit and put together blog ideas there. We planned an international non-profit magazine there (that will be very successful, we are sure). We have ideas we didn't follow through on, too, like doing our whole promo video by playdough claymation.
What makes our patio so inspirational? In short: the caffeine, the muffins, the organic feel, the chess board, the fact that you have to walk through the bakery to get there, the V.I.P. atmosphere because there are only two tables and our great Australian/British French-speaking Muslim Host - Hassan and his pet pigeon, Francesca (or Francesco because we don't know the sex), the sun, the homemade furniture, and the company.

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